It’s not too late to stop Sizewell C.
There are three main ways to stop Sizewell C
- Money! If no one will invest, it cannot go ahead. You can help by writing to pension funds or other potential investors. We also need to discourage the government from investing, Write to the Chancellor, and urge him NOT to make a Government Investment Decision in Sizewell C. Email, Attn The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP. Salutation Dear Chancellor..
- Politics. If Sizewell C, or the tax needed to finance it, is unpopular, Ministers will listen. Sign our Petition with Together Against Sizewell C at or write to The Business Secretary; Claire Coutinho MP:, Dear Secretary of State.
- Help us challenge the planning decision by contributing to our fighting fund. You can give online via or by cheque to Old Store, Eastbridge IP16 4SJ.
- There are lots more ways you can help on our Take Action page
Spread the Word: Please follow us on social media and share our videos and posts. Placards and posters are available to display where you live, by emailing
* Donate: Gifts of any size are very much appreciated. You can give online via