Save Our Sizewell beach – 19 September

Human wall to highlight Sizewell C’s impact

Sunday 19 September

An incredible 600 of you came to Sizewell Beach on 19 September and stood shoulder to shoulder to protest against Sizewell C. We formed a line 800 metres long on the edge of EDF’s sea defences; everything inside the line would be buried under rock armour, changing this much-loved beach beyond recognition.

We want to thank everyone who came, who spread the word, who sent messages saying they were there in spirit. We especially want to thank our wonderful Marshalls, helpers and our partners, Together Against Sizewell C and Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth. It was a real team effort, from distributing flyers in the weeks leading up to the protest, to staking out the line of the sea defences.

There has been good media coverage:
– ITV Anglia News (link includes video)
– BBC Look East (link expires 6pm)
– BBC online
– East Anglian Daily Times
Have a look at just a few of the many photos below. Please keep sending to, or post on your social feeds with the hashtag #StopSizewellC. If you have very large files, share them with our email via a service such as wetransfer (free up to 2GB)
We need to up the ante this autumn. There is plenty to do: please visit for details.