Why Stop Sizewell C?

Why Stop Sizewell C?

Overview: Sizewell C is a joint venture between the UK government and EDF, proposing two ‘EPR’ reactors on the Suffolk Heritage Coast at an expected cost of at least £30bn. Planning consent was controversially granted in July 2022  and the UK government became a partner in Sizewell C in November 2022, and has invested £2.5bn so far. The UK government was working towards a Final Investment Decision in this parliament, but this is now virtually impossible before the 4 July General Election.


Technical concerns with the EPR reactor

Contribution to energy security and addressing climate change

Contribution to Economic Development and Levelling Up

  • Sizewell C would not help the UK level up. A study by Development Economics found that five of the seven remaining “potential” sites in the nuclear National Policy Statement would likely benefit more.
  • Sizewell C would only create 900 long term jobs in Suffolk; at £30 billion this would be £33m per job. For this sum, the UK could buy much more renewable energy and finance a mass energy efficiency programme which would create tens of thousands of sustainable jobs.
  • Sizewell C would damage the Suffolk local economy. Research by the Suffolk Coast Destination Management Organisation – and EDF – show that visitors would stay away, losing the tourism industry up to £40 million a year, at an estimated cost of 400 jobs. EDF admits 725 ‘local’ staff would be recruited from existing businesses. 

Site (un)Suitability