Stop Sizewell C! Wrong Project, Wrong Time, Wrong Place.

Sizewell C is too slow and expensive compared to alternatives in the fight against Climate Change and the construction of two new nuclear reactors on the Suffolk coast will have a devastating impact on this unique and magical place. Final go ahead was expected in the last parliament, but the Labour government now has an opportunity to reconsider this ill-advised project. For more information, read our briefing Why Stop Sizewell C?’ here.


Visit our TAKE ACTION PAGE for our online campaigns. These include:

  • Ask the Prime Minister, Chancellor and Energy Secretary to Cancel Sizewell C.
  • Message your MP and ask them not to support Sizewell C.

Campaign Success! We have managed to deter almost all pension funds from investing in Sizewell C. The video below 👇 explains why they should not invest, but we still need your help to tell the few other investors (including one pension fund) why they should keep their money out of slow, risky, expensive #nuclear Sizewell C. 

StopSizewellC on X (Twitter)

Spent nuclear fuel from Sizewell C could reach 4,000 tonnes by the end of its life. With no clear plan for safe disposal, Pete Wilkinson asks: are we leaving behind a toxic legacy for future generations?
#NuclearWaste #SizewellC #EnvironmentalJustice

A Suffolk wildlife and conservation charity has called for "greater transparency" from Sizewell C near Leiston over its nature schemes. 👇 Full story

Radio 4 Tuesday 17 Sept:
How do you communicate to future generations the danger of the nuclear waste that lies beneath the soil?

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StopSizewellC on Facebook

Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C4 days ago
Radio 4 Tuesday 17 Sept:
How do you communicate to future generations the danger of the nuclear waste that lies beneath the soil?
Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C7 days ago
"'Expansion of #solar energy will make #nuclear power obsolete and push it out of the electricity market by the 2030s, making financial support for nuclear a waste of money.'
Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C1 week ago
You couldn't make it up. @RachelReevesMP saved £5.5 billion in 2024/25 in her mini budget at the end of July (the main losers were pensioners). Coincidentally £5.5 billion is also the amount of taxpayers' money that could be bunged at #SizewellC, BEFORE a Final Investment Decision! Madness! #StopSizewellC
Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C1 week ago
"who better to proselytise for nuclear power around the world than the former UK prime minister who professed himself to be so convinced of its merits that he wanted Britain to build a new reactor every year? Indeed, it was after his unrecorded meeting with Melbye and days before he left office that Johnson approved the new nuclear reactor #SizewellC, much to the delight of Adnani, who welcomed it on Twitter."
Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C2 weeks ago
The Beeb writes: "#Sellafield is filling up - and experts say we have no choice but to find somewhere new to keep this [#nuclearwaste] safe."
But we DO have a choice not to make any more....
Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C2 weeks ago
Now we know why Boris Johnson's Prime Ministerial swansong was an exhortation to "go #nuclear and go large". Plain self interest. Surely there must be consequences for his failure to declare he met his new associate's #uranium company as PM?