Stop Sizewell C! Wrong Project, Wrong Time, Wrong Place.

Sizewell C is too slow and expensive compared to alternatives in the fight against Climate Change and the construction of two new nuclear reactors on the Suffolk coast will have a devastating impact on this unique and magical place. Final go ahead was expected in the last parliament, but the Labour government now has an opportunity to reconsider this ill-advised project. For more information, read our briefing Why Stop Sizewell C?’ here.


Visit our TAKE ACTION PAGE for our online campaigns. These include:

  • Ask the Prime Minister, Chancellor and Energy Secretary to Cancel Sizewell C.
  • Message your MP and ask them not to support Sizewell C.

Campaign Success! We have managed to deter almost all pension funds from investing in Sizewell C. The video below 👇 explains why they should not invest, but we still need your help to tell the few other investors (including one pension fund) why they should keep their money out of slow, risky, expensive #nuclear Sizewell C. 

StopSizewellC on X (Twitter)

Despite French firm EDF’s assurances Sizewell would be a carbon copy of the ongoing Hinkley Point C project, and that major savings in time and cost would result accordingly, it has persuaded ministers that £8bn of public money is required up front merely to help it reach a…

'Paul Dorfman, chair of the Nuclear Consulting Group, a group of #nuclear-sceptic academics and experts, says the problem shows how even nuclear projects that are meant to be copies end up being unique. “Each reactor is a first-of-a-kind, actually”.

And the last word goes to @tom_burke_47!
'Asked if he thinks steady orders and standardisation can bring the [#nuclear] sector’s costs under control, Burke replies: “I think that’s one of the biggest ‘ifs’ I’ve ever seen.”

"Kids, if you go in for name-calling, offensive misrepresentation and unconvincing assertions of your superior judgement, the finest voice coach may struggle to transform it into persuasive oracy."

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StopSizewellC on Facebook

Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C14 hours ago
WATCH now! First item on @BBCLookEast shows #SizewellC destruction - including felling trees, 21,675 to be precise - in advance of any Final Investment Decision. Only available till 6.58pm today (Weds 12/2).
Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C1 day ago
'Alison Downes, from #StopSizewellC, said: "The taxpayer is being forced to pay for what is basically a bet that this project is a good idea and should go ahead.
"The possibility that #SizewellC could go ahead at whatever price is just completely inconceivable.
"Every penny they spend on Sizewell C is a penny lost to cheaper, quicker renewable energy projects that could get us to net zero more quickly and address our climate crisis."'
Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C2 days ago
And the last word goes to Tom Burke!
'Asked if he thinks steady orders and standardisation can bring the [#nuclear] sector’s costs under control, Burke replies: “I think that’s one of the biggest ‘ifs’ I’ve ever seen.”
Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C3 days ago
"[Starmer's] favourite word, these days, is “nimbys”. Starmer uses it so freely he’s personally breathed new life into the original acronym (“not in my back yard”), revealing along the way its largely unexplored potential to create national disharmony....

..It is thanks to Starmer we now understand that Greenpeace and other environmental campaigners – actually anyone with questions about, for instance, the disposal of nuclear waste – are essentially indistinguishable from other varieties of nimby he has been insulting for a while, so as to trivialise in advance any disquiet about Labour’s plans to tear up planning regulations.

....Kids, if you go in for name-calling, offensive misrepresentation and unconvincing assertions of your superior judgement, the finest voice coach may struggle to transform it into persuasive oracy."


Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C3 days ago
#StopSizewellC, the campaign group devoted to overturning the project, says taxpayers are still in the dark about how much it is expected to cost.

“There is no transparency around #SizewellC,” says spokesman Alison Downes, who lives nearby. “Why, despite government support, does its likely eye-watering cost and impact on households remain shrouded in secrecy?

“Our climate emergency demands urgent action and getting the biggest bang for the UK’s limited bucks, yet every pound of taxpayers’ money spent on Sizewell C is a pound lost to alternative quicker, cheaper clean energy projects.”

Stop Sizewell C
Stop Sizewell C4 days ago
Great obituary of Pete Wilkinson in The Times: "His last battle was against plans to build a nuclear power station called #SizewellC on his beloved #Suffolk coast"
Together Against Sizewell C #StopSizewellC