Stop Sizewell C! Wrong Project, Wrong Time, Wrong Place.
Sizewell C is too slow and expensive compared to alternatives in the fight against Climate Change and the construction of two new nuclear reactors on the Suffolk coast will have a devastating impact on this unique and magical place. Final go ahead was expected in the last parliament, but the Labour government now has an opportunity to reconsider this ill-advised project. For more information, read our briefing “Why Stop Sizewell C?’ here.
Visit our TAKE ACTION PAGE for our online campaigns. These include:
- Ask the Prime Minister, Chancellor and Energy Secretary to Cancel Sizewell C.
- Message your MP and ask them not to support Sizewell C.
Campaign Success! We have managed to deter almost all pension funds from investing in Sizewell C. The video below explains why they should not invest, but we still need your help to tell the few other investors (including one pension fund) why they should keep their money out of slow, risky, expensive #nuclear Sizewell C.
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- Donate. We are raising funds for our legal action. If you are able to give, please visit our special fundraising page