Future Issue Specific Hearings are planned as follows: (see below for past hearings)
- 25 August, Air Quality, Noise and Vibration (deadline to speak has past, watch online here)
- 26 August, Policy and Need (deadline to speak has past, watch online here)
- 27 August, Biodiversity, continued from July (deadline to speak has past, watch online here)
- 14 September*, Flood Risk, Ground and Surface Water, Water Supply (apply to speak by 3 September, see below)
- 15 September*, Community, Amenity & Recreational Impacts, potential adverse effects on human health & local residents.
- 16 September*, Landscape and Built Heritage.
- 17 September*, Draft DCO, Code of Construction Practice, Deed of Obligation etc.
Hearings marked with an asterisk* will be hybrid events taking place partly online and partly in person, at Snape Maltings. Places at the in-person venue will be given to those having difficulty joining online. For more details see the Planning Inspectorate’s letter. You should apply to speak by Friday 3 September, by emailing sizewellc@planninginspectorate.gov.uk, including your IP number.
If your issue of concern is missing, it is possible that there may be more hearings planned later in the process, but it is not guaranteed that each issue identified as a Principal Issue will have a hearing. It will depend on whether the Examining Authority feel that all the information they need can be obtained in written form. As new evidence emerges in the process, we should continue to ask for more Issue Specific Hearings.
A more detailed agenda for each hearing is published a week beforehand. The Examining Authority will proactively invite people to these hearings whom they have questions for. Others can ask to take part but there is no guarantee they will be called to speak. We recommend that individuals request to participate, especially if you have new evidence, but also so that you have the opportunity to respond to what is said. Collaboration with others, and between Parish Councils, is strongly recommended.
- Participants should plan to be available for the whole hearing (unlike Open Floor Hearings there are unlikely to be set speaking slots).
- Arrangements conference take place approx 9.30 with a start time of 10am
- The Examining Authority introduce what the topic is and poses questions, mostly to the Applicant.
- Statutory consultees such as Suffolk CC, East Suffolk Council, Environment Agency etc will be invited to speak first. These may be represented by Counsel.
- If not invited to speak, participants may use the raise hand function.
- The Applicant is always given the right to reply.
Past Hearings
- 6 July, Draft DCO
- 7 July, Traffic & transport
- 8 July Traffic and transport contd
- 9 July, Socio-economic and Community Impacts
- 13 July Landscape and Visual Impact
- 14 July Coastal Geomorphology
- 15 July Biodiversity and Ecology
- 16 July Biodiversity and Ecology inc marine issues
- 17 – 18 August, Compulsory Acquisition Hearings