Other organisations in the local area, including some that are working on these issues.
* B1122 Action Group (campaigning for a Sizewell Relief Road)
* Minsmere Levels Stakeholder Group
* Sizewell Parishes Liaison Group
* RSPB Minsmere. See also RSPB’s “campaign page” on Sizewell:
* Together Against Sizewell C (TASC)
* Suffolk Preservation Society
Other Useful Links
* EDF Energy’s Sizewell C website
* Planning Inspectorate Sizewell Project Page
* Suffolk County Council’s page on Sizewell C
* National Policy Statement for Energy Infrastructure (2011)
* Suffolk Coastal MP, Dr Therese Coffey’s, Sizewell page
* Organisations working on other energy infrastructure in east Suffolk include SOS (Save Our Sandlings) and SASES (Substation Action: Save East Suffolk)