19 September 2021, for immediate release
- Alison Downes, Stop Sizewell C, 07711 843884, alison@stopsizewellc.org
- Pete Wilkinson, Together Against Sizewell C, 07940 524831, wilx@btinternet.com
- Rachel Fulcher, Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth, 07485 735640, s.coastalfoe@yahoo.com
Over 600 join human wall on Sizewell Beach to highlight dramatic impact of Sizewell C and show their opposition to the project
[SUFFOLK] Over 600 people formed a human wall 800 metres long on Sizewell beach this morning, bearing witness to how EDF’s proposed sea defences for Sizewell C would destroy this much-loved beach and to demonstrate their opposition to the project as a whole. Wearing fluorescent vests, and holding yellow markers on canes to illustrate how high the sea defences would be, protesters came together from across the area, and as far afield as London, to show their opposition to the project.
The event was co-organised by Stop Sizewell C, Together Against Sizewell C and Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth and had the support from the likes of Chris Packham, Emma Freud, Bill Turnbull and Anthony Horowitz. [1] High resolution footage and stills will be available shortly. [2]
Alison Downes, Stop Sizewell C said: ”We are here today to show how the construction and planned defence of Sizewell C would change this beach beyond recognition. This is one of the first opportunities for us all to come together in large numbers to show our opposition to this damaging project and it’s incredible to see so many people. This is quite simply the wrong place for two new nuclear reactors.”
Rachel Fulcher, Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth said: “This beach is nationally important because of the rare plants and insects that thrive here, such as Sea Pea, Grayling Butterfly and Brown-banded Carder Bee. The area of vegetated shingle is one of only six such sites in the whole of the UK, yet EDF’s sea defences would bury large swathes of it under rock armour. It’s unconscionable, which is why we have all come here today to say we must save Sizewell Beach and say no to Sizewell C.”
Pete Wilkinson, Together Against Sizewell C said: “This development is not needed. It represents an unacceptably slow response to the climate emergency, taking 12 years to build and leaving a post-construction carbon debt of millions of tonnes and a devastated environment. The site is too small, nuclear power leaves a legacy of radioactive waste for future generations to manage, it’s dangerous, pollutes the air and the sea, it’s not green and needs to be consigned to the dustbin.”
The Sizewell C project is reaching a critical stage. The Development Consent Order planning examination has less than a month to run until its statutory deadline, [3] and the nuclear industry is mounting concerted pressure on the government to introduce a new funding model. On Tuesday, Chair of the Nuclear Industry Association, Dr Tim Stone, told a finance conference that the industry needed signals “in weeks”, and that the deathly silence that had followed publication of the 10 Point Plan was “not good enough”. [4]
Campaigners were deeply disappointed that permission to fly a drone during today’s event was refused late last week. The Civil Aviation Authority stated our request was “refused by the Sizewell Nuclear site”. An appeal to Sizewell B for help in revoking this decision resulted in the response: “This risk being managed by the restrictions is access to information about the site that is required to be controlled under our security arrangements.” [5]
Alison Downes commented: “The Sizewell site’s refusal for our drone appears punitive, given that we have been granted permission on two previous occasions. If information-gathering was our purpose, there would be no need to go to the trouble and expense of seeking permission to fly a drone, as detailed images are already available on Google Earth.” [6]
- Chris Packham tweeted, urging his followers to come along: https://twitter.com/ChrisGPackham/status/1437505965344141315
Emma Freud: https://twitter.com/emmafreud/status/1438217515746803712?s=20
Anthony Horowitz and Bill Turnbull retweeted.
- Footage will be available via wetransfer shortly
- The examination closes on 14 October.
- Watch The UK Sustainable Infrastructure Policy & Investment Online Virtual Summit, at about 7 hours 20 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmUbk2XPjUI
- Copy emails are available on request. The Civil Aviation Authority email said “Regarding the request for a R217 Exemption of the Sizewell restricted airspace. This has been refused by the Sizewell Nuclear site and due to the request being refused, the Exemption will not be issued for this activity.”
- https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sizewell,+Leiston/@52.2142543,1.6173931,518m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47da27ca662c1c11:0x101799398b74f91d!8m2!3d52.207955!4d1.621034