Hundreds attending Theberton Sizewell C meeting show people feel ‘profoundly let down’ by EDF Energy
12:23 09 January 2017, Andrew Hirst

Public meeting on Sizewell C at St Peter’s Church in Theberton
Campaigners calling for a better deal from Suffolk’s new nuclear power station claim the strong turn out at a recent public meeting has demonstrated how people feel “let down” by the latest proposals.
More than 200 people are reported to have attended St Peter’s Church in Theberton, near Leiston, on Saturday to discuss EDF Energy’s stage two consultation on Sizewell C.
Organised by Theberton and Eastbridge Parish Council and campaign groups, the meeting also welcomed Suffolk Coastal MP Therese Coffey, county councillors Michael Gower and Richard Smith, and several district councillors.
The meeting comes during EDF’s stage two public consultation exercise, which has faced criticism for its inclusion of plans to build an accommodation campus near Minsmere and to use the B1122 as a transport route, both of which were opposed during stage one.
Su Swallow, co-chairman of the Theberton and Eastbridge Action Group on Sizewell (TEAGS), one of the organisers, said: “The large numbers of people attending and the passionate expressions of concern showed how much local people feel profoundly let down by EDF’s Sizewell C stage two proposals.”
Speakers at the meeting, organised with the B1122 Action Group and Minsmere Levels Stakeholder Group, highlighted the importance of submitting a response to EDF by the February 3 deadline.
Alison Downes, co-chairman of TEAGS said EDF has “much to do” to address concerns and called for it to be “more transparent”.
EDF said it was holding 23 public exhibitions and claimed the latest proposals have taken in to account feedback from stage one. It has highlighted changes to the development site, a reduction in the number of workers being housed in the campus, and the inclusion of a bypass around Farnham and Stratford St Andrew as examples.
The Sizewell C Project Team recently met TEAGS and explained the latest proposals were part of an ongoing consultation process, not the final plans.
Jim Crawford, Sizewell C project development director said: “We’re encouraged by the constructive engagement of local people in the consultation process as this will help shape the future development of plans for Sizewell C.”
Dr Coffey said she “heard strongly” from those at the meeting that the proposed campus location and solutions for the B1122 were not acceptable.
“I agree with that,” she added.
“There were some new points raised which I will look into and I recognise that there are some residents who do not want the new power station at all.”