EDF Stay @ Home

“EDF wants to apply very soon for planning permission for Sizewell C nuclear power station. But the government, councils, organisations and you, the Suffolk public, have got something else on their plate. Right now, it’s just plain wrong.”

Tell EDF to Stay at Home! Write and tell them not to submit an application for Sizewell C during coronavirus restrictions – which government advisers say could last most of the year.  EDF will likely make the submission in early May. Tell them not to proceed until all social distancing restrictions are lifted and everyone is free to fully engage. Without this, the planning process would be severely compromised.  Email EDF on info@sizewellc.co.uk and copy your message to the Planning Inspectorate at sizewellc@planninginspectorate.gov.uk and as many of the following as you can manage! Leaders of Suffolk County Council and East Suffolk District Council: Matthew.Hicks@suffolk.gov.uk and Steve.Gallant@eastsuffolk.gov.uk and their Planning Officers Bryn.Griffiths@suffolk.gov.uk and Philip.Ridley@eastsuffolk.gov.uk. Local MPs therese.coffey.mp@parliament.uk, daniel.poulter.mp@parliament.uk and peter.aldous.mp@parliament.uk

If you are a Twitter user, you can also send a tweet to @sizewellc expressing your opposition to EDF submitting its Sizewell C application during coronavirus restrictions. #StopSizewellC

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