Traffic analysis raises ‘serious concerns’ over Sizewell C

Traffic analysis raises ‘serious concerns’ over Sizewell C

17 July 2016, by Richard Cornwell

Sizewell C

A new report has raised “serious concerns” about the impact of construction traffic for Sizewell C on rural ares of east Suffolk

The report, commissioned by Suffolk County Council and produced by research agency Accent, shows traffic is the number one concern for the community, with residents requesting EDF Energy find a way of delivering its materials to the site in a way that minimises the amount of vehicles on the surrounding road network, in particular the B1122.

Both the county council and Suffolk Coastal District Council support the Sizewell C development in principle, but say to make it a success it is essential the impacts are mitigated.

The report, which investigated the extent, scale and type of traffic concerns residents have about current proposals for Sizewell C, was presented to the community at a meeting in Theberton..

County councillor with special responsibility for working with outside bodies, Guy McGregor, said: “I do continue to support the Sizewell C proposal on the basis that this is a much needed facility for the UK as a whole and that EDF Energy can provide a lasting legacy for the economy and the local communities.

“There are, however, significant obstacles that need to be overcome, none more challenging than the management of traffic.

“We needed to hear what concerns local people have about the development. This report has given voice to such concerns and EDF need to listen and act upon this.

“We will use this information to ask EDF Energy to take direct measures to address the widespread worries of the local community.”

The report said residents, who were interviewed during its preparation to gain a full and clear picture of the perceived traffic issues surrounding the construction, felt EDF had not yet provided any satisfactory mitigation proposals to counter the traffic problem.

Additional concerns raised included the belief that volumes of traffic associated with the construction of Sizewell B were significantly underestimated by EDF – and transport projections for Sizewell C must be more realistic and the effects of such increases properly assessed.

EDF Energy has been carrying out extensive traffic survey work in preparation for releasing more details of its mitigation plans at the stage two consultation expected later this year.